There is at least one man more deserving than Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize…

For me, results always speak louder than words…

I am a results-oriented guy and will always be that way. Perhaps it is my business training and experience?

Obama has no real tangible results. Only a vision of the future that could potentially be bright.

Obama has failed at helping the Israeli-Palestine conflict, failed at reducing troop numbers in Afghanistan, and has failed at just about every peace making attempt he has pursued. And I am sure he didn’t make many friends vying for Chicago to be the location of the 2016 Olympics. Well except for his friends in Chicago. Doesn’t that seem a bit self serving to you?

After I heard that I couldn’t help to think how far away we are from JFK. When he said, “Don’t ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

And now he wins the Nobel Peace Prize among a host of other nominations. 203 to be exact. Which is a record number of nominations this year.

I would like to suggest to you a man more deserving of a prize for peace. A man who has dedicated his life to bettering humanity, not bettering his place in the political world. A man named Greg Mortenson.

Go ahead. Read the wikipedia article about him. He builds schools in Asia focusing on educating girls. In two Muslim countries where educating women is banned, Pakistan and Afghanistan. He has personally put himself in danger to help further his cause.

This article was the one that stood out to me in the list provided on Wikipedia…

“It Takes a School, Not Missiles”, NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF, New York Times – Op-Ed Column, July 12, 2008.

He talks mostly about how we will win and gain peace more by building schools in countries, not bombing them.

Kristof also talks about how Mortenson has done more to generate goodwill in those countries than just about any other outsider.

Kristof ends his article better then I could ever end this article. Of course, I am only one person with one opinion, but as I said before, I like to see results…

“So a lone Montanan staying at the cheapest guest houses has done more to advance U.S. interests in the region than the entire military and foreign policy apparatus of the Bush administration.”

22 thoughts on “There is at least one man more deserving than Obama for the Nobel Peace Prize…”

  1. Come on….you think that a man that just become to be the president of the US, and didn’t do anything physical to move things, don’t have anything on this resume about peace…he need to get nobel prize for it???

    1. Hi George,

      I obviously agree. I do see myself coming around to their viewpoint however. A lesser known person would never have gotten as much news coverage as Obama. And perhaps they were thinking they could bring the subject of world peace to the forefront of discussion by naming a more popular world figure then someone not many people know about. On the flip side, I still agree they should have used the opportunity to do exactly that. Bring a person of lesser stature to the limelight to share how we can all make a positive difference in the world…


  2. I agree that it was too early to give Obama a Nobel Peace Prize. He may stand for some good things and made some efforts, but honoring him puts down the efforts of others.

  3. However, there are some odd things that go on in the science awards. There is some posturing that goes on in the community. The louder a certain scientist’s supporters are, the more likely that person is to win.

  4. There are a few things you should consider. First off, the nomination for the science awards is done in a different way by different people (the Swedes) than the peace prize (which is done by the Norwegians). The nominees are nominated by experts in the respective fields.

  5. However, there are some odd things that go on in the science awards. There is some posturing that goes on in the community. The louder a certain scientist’s supporters are, the more likely that person is to win.

  6. ‘dog kennel’ above made a good point about such awards being greatly influenced by who is supporting him. I’m sure some strong Obama supporters may have played a role in this award.

  7. Many people across the globe oppose regarding obama noble prize, many has given amazed reaction on Noble Prize it may possible something is fixed or else what we say if other deserving person not have such great award.

  8. I agree that there are a lot more of candidates that should get the award, but we need to remember that Nobel Prize is almost every time given to a person that would do something in the future and this prize is given to help to achieve the biggest goals. Just take look about last 20 years winners, almost every time this was not about giving for “what he/she has done” but for “things he/she will do with the award”.

  9. Sadly the Nobel Peace Prize seems to have been devalued along with all the other things in this world that was once special and had actual importance and weight. Obama’s claim to fame is that he is the new stooge for the puppet masters, and now he gets “rewarded” with a Nobel Prize when his elegibility for office is being challenged. Some cement to anchor his reputation, that’s all it is. Merit has nothing to do with this.

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