20 Baby Steps to Better Health

This week has been all about health. And living a healthier life. Last week was all about the economy and improving your finances. In trying to write simply, and give people some easy to do action items, a theme emerged.

Baby Steps…

Most people have heard the idea before. When your faced with a big or broad task it is best to break it down into little steps. This helps keep you from being overwhelmed by the project. And it helps you focus on the task at hand. It also helps you just plain old get started. Which is often the hardest thing to do in the first place.

Awhile back I wrote a post entitled 11 Little Steps to Better Health. It is where we begin. They are a great launching point to get started improving your health. To round out the week I have added nine more. Please enjoy…

12. Replace one bad health habit with one good one every month. They say it takes at least 21 days to develop a habit. Pick one each month and work on just that. Focusing on your health will help you make powerful changes.

13. See the future. What you practice today leads to your tomorrow. You don’t just wake up one day 50 pounds overweight. It happened to over the past months and years. Look into the future. If you don’t like what you see, change your now.

14. Look at the past. Your family history and your genetics play a large role in determining your overall health. If you haven’t done so already, develop a health program with your doctor to help prevent some of the things you might be prone to.

15. Look at today. The same way you can’t wake up 50 pounds overweight in a day, you also can’t loose 50 pounds in a day (Short of liposuction).  Ask yourself a question. What single thing can I do today to bring myself one step closer to better health?

16. Consider organic food. I can’t stress it enough. What goes in comes out. There are a few reasons to not buy organic. Primary among them is that they are more expensive. But consider it this way. How much is your health worth? Would you rather pay a few dollars more right now, or a few thousand dollars more when you get the hospital bill and have to be put in hospitalized care at an older age?

17. Start getting regular check-ups. Men are horrible at this. I will admit that I will suffer through just about anything before I go to see a doctor. Funny thing is that I truly do believe preventative medicine is the best medicine. Many diseases can be cured or treated in the early stages. If you wait till the later stages you may be proclaimed a helpless case. This is advice to myself as well as to you. Practice Preventative Medicine.

18. Give up some technology. Gasp! There I said it! Technology has made us lazy. Screens ruin our vision. Keyboards give us carpal tunnel. Washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, cars, and anything else you can think of have taken our extra work away and have made us lazy. If you don’t use it, you lose it. So go outside, breath some fresh air, and use those muscles before you lose them for good.

19. Record your progress. Don’t knock it till you try it. First, the simple act of writing down your progress helps you to keep focused on the process instead of the end goal. The thing is that this will help you reach your end goal anyhow. Second, it is very satisfying to look back over your progress and think about how well you have done. Each little success gives you great satisfaction and keeps you going. Nothing brings more success like success itself. Once you’re headed in the right direction, success just keeps coming to you.

20. Smile and love on people. What’s your health good for except to be happy and to better share your life with others? 🙂

Thank you so much for reading! I hope these steps set you in the right direction for success!

Wow! These have been two great weeks. It has turned out to be very rewarding to write a week long series like this one. Many people have found them to be very helpful!

I am excited to tell you that I have many more series ideas that I will write about in the New Year. During the coming year I will write about each and every hot topic I have in the right sidebar. Please subscribe using the link below so you don’t miss a thing!

8 thoughts on “20 Baby Steps to Better Health”

  1. Jeremy –

    I have to tell you-
    this past week your article hit home with me.

    I have have been taking it easy due to a self inflicted burnout.Is there any other kind??? 😉

    Sorry to say I know what I did to bring it about and have to say it took about a month of making my good health style become bad.

    I really am going to log my converting back to the healthy style of living I was used to.So I will start today after reading this article.

    Bunny got Blog’s last blog post..Oatmeal: The Trick To Make It Actually Taste Like Something

  2. Hi Bunny,

    Thank you so much for sharing. These are exactly the kind of comments I love to see. I love it when people let me know my writing is influencing them to live a better life. Best of luck to you in getting back on track!


  3. Smiling also takes off 10 calories every 30 minutes….I even smile when I swim…and people just start talking to you if you are smiling.

    Love my smile lines – makes me beautiful

    Eating Organic and practicing preventative medicine takes money out of my medical bills and Dr. visits. I heard from Michael Moore’s Sicko video that the Doctors who get their patients to lose weight or stop smoking get big bonus checks in England…so they can make more money than the Dr.’s in the USA.

    Nice work here fella! I am enjoying being subscribed and getting all your updates… Thank you for the good reads and posts.

    Patricia’s last blog post..Line Dancing at Waltz Tempo

  4. Awesome tips.. Thanks for sharing Jeremy..

    I will like to add one little tip if I may.. Which is everyone should really get enough quality rest everyday. Sleep especially is something that you couldn’t replenish back if you are already lacking them.

    Life’s not only about work. 🙂

    Erwin Tan’s last blog post..Unleashing The Niche Genius In You

  5. Hi Erwin,

    You are right. Sleep plays a huge role in health. I have mentioned it previously, but I guess I left it out of my 20 steps. Consider that step 21. 😉 Thanks for stopping by!


  6. I love point number 12. It is so true that by taking baby steps and replace one of our bad habit with good habit every month, eventually we will eliminate our bad habits. Great tips Jeremy.

    Personal Development Blogger

    Vincent’s last blog post..Result Of My 30 Days Challenge

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