Happy New Years!
Glad to have you here at Insight Writer in 2011. Hard to believe it… Does anyone remember when we were partying like it was 1999?
Anyhow, as most of you know, I took a little break over the Christmas season to have a nice refresher with friends and family, and now I am ready to commit more time again to writing great articles for you!
First, I have an old article I would love to have you read called… Every Day Is A New Day To Start Fresh
And every year is a new year!
This is one of my favorite times as it gives me time to sit down and gain some perspective. To be reflective about the past and to look toward the future with renewed hope.
You may also want to read my article, Reflecting on Your Life, this time of year…
It gives a couple tips on how to reflect and what to reflect on…
And lastly, I want you to read my article entitled… Thinking of Doing Something? Do It NOW!
Hey, we all make New Years Resolutions. No better time then now to do that thing you have always wanted to do. And by now, I mean this year.
As some of you know, I’ve decided to move forward with one of my major life goals… Writing a Book…
This blog is the outcome of my writing practice…
It’s not always formatted right, sometimes I misspell things or use grammar incorrectly. Sometimes paragraphs or sentences are too long, or too short. Sometimes it doesn’t flow properly, and sometimes what I am writing just doesn’t make sense.
Hopefully, if you have been with me for some time you have seen my writing improve? 🙂
In any case, it’s time to put all I have learned together in a book. To make it more uniform. To sharpen everything up. To get my points across better then I ever have before.
I’ve spent the better part of the fall writing about health, diet, and exercise. There is still plenty to write, and I will continue to write health articles throughout the year, but my new focus is going to be personal finance. In other words, how to best manage your money.
I want to give that subject a good six months to cover it as fully as I can. Then the last six months of the year I really want to hone in on what personal development is. Personal development is what will actually help us meet our health and personal finance goals.
Once this year is done I will have a great book outline, and a lot of the raw material for the work. Next year will come the rewriting and rewriting and rewriting that it takes to make a work of some significance.
Why am I doing it?
Like training for a marathon, it is a personal goal for me. Also, I feel I have a lot to offer people. I am starting to get emails from people who need help in their personal lives. People are asking me for custom dieting and workout plans. People are asking me if college is a good idea, or where to invest their money. People want to know how to pursue their dreams.
Each day that goes by, I am learning more, I am experiencing more, I am observing more, and I am figuring out more solutions to more problems. If I can help someone with just a portion of their life then I have succeeded.
Again, thank you all for visiting Insight Writer and for being loyal readers. As always, I welcome your thoughts, feelings, comments, questions, and whatever else you have for me!
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