I am constantly saying that personal finance is a pretty simple concept.
It’s not hard to understand that you need to earn more then you spend. It’s not hard to understand that your debt only goes down when you don’t take on any more debt. It’s not hard to understand that saving money for a rainy day is important…
Yet simple things are not always so easy.
For one, people often dig really deep holes and don’t realize how deep they are before it is too late. I think most of us can say we have been there, or are still there! Racking up thousands of dollars of debt is surprisingly easy in this modern world we live in.
And while we can easily realize we need to earn more money then we spend sometimes it is really hard to accomplish that. And we tend to have a lot of excuses…
“My boss won’t give me a raise, and/or won’t let me work overtime”
“I don’t have the time to work a second job”
“I can’t cut any other expenses out of my life”
The list goes on…
It’s simple, not easy.
If you start down the path of getting your financial life in order you will find that most of the hard things actually just require a little patience. It may take 10 years to pay off your debt, but so be it. You did it! You paid off your debt!
Be happy and smile. Being debt free if one of the best feelings in the world. And it is only the beginning. You can accomplish so much more in life if you have all your financial “ducks in a row”. You can help yourself, your family, your friends, and many people live better lives simply by being financially sound yourself.
It really pays dividends to learn the simple tasks, techniques, and strategies of person finance and put the hard work into accomplishing everything you set out to do.
I want to hear your success story, and I am sure many other people do as well. It really is super simple, but it is not easy. Yet think about this…
Once you have some good practice under your belt, and have started meeting most or all of your financial objectives other people will look at you and say, “Wow, you make it look so easy.” They will say this because you put the hard work in early on so that all of this would be easier for you later in life.
Notice I said “easier” instead of “easy” because…
It’s simple, but not easy.
This is our 23th challenge in The Personal Finance Challenge Series…