The Eclectic Mix

This is my Saturday Rap where I give sites updates and show you the best stuff I have found on the web this week…

First, the site update…

I am pleased to say that the Carnival of Personal Development went really well. I received a lot of great response out of it. Three new people asked to be hosts. Lots of people are submitting even more articles. And its been more successful then I imagined. I am excited to see how it goes at Momentor and Joyful Days as they will be finishing out the year doing bi-weekly carnivals. Then it switches to weekly in January so we will see how it all goes…

Now, the links…

I have stumbled upon a great mix of articles this week. Although I have one about Warren Buffet Ive mostly gotten away from finance stuff. Dont worry, Ill be posting a lot more finance related stuff here soon. But Im happy to report I have found a few good health related articles. So here we go…

First, I just found this article called “Biggest Dating Mistake, Diluting Your Core Values for Girls.” I have written about relationships on another blog and might do more of it here eventually but I wanted to point out this article because I believe it gets to the core of the matter. Even though its directed toward a guy readership it can easily be applied to women as well. Please check it out and let me know your thoughts…

Here are the health related articles I found.

  1. The Two Okinawan Rules or How I am Getting Leaner During the Holidays
  2. 10 ways to Ruin Your Health and Die Young
  3. Top 10 Tips for Running for Fitness


  1. Warren Buffet’s 10 Ways to Get Rich


  1. 11 Ways to Build an Extraordinary Life
  2. Some Lessons I Wish I Learned Earlier in life

The Rest of the Eclectic Mix

  1. 5000 Resources to Do Just About Anything Online
  2. A Big List of Sites That Teach You How to Do Stuff
  3. 10 Facts Every Westerner Should Know About the Middle East. (This is a bit of a rant, but its good to read and know for your own sake.)

Have I been around the internet block or what?! If you want to see more of my favorites please Subscribe to my Stumble Upon favorites. 🙂

Next week instead of articles I am going to feature a couple of main websites. If you are reading this I have probably found your website, but if you are new here please leave a comment so I can check your website out and possibly feature it next week.



2 thoughts on “The Eclectic Mix”

  1. Hey Jeremy,

    Your site looks better every time I visit! I like the animated RSS icon and the social bookmarking icons at the top. Great job. I can’t believe I missed your first carnival… what an awesome response you got though! Hats off to you.


    Joyful Days’s last blog post..World Aids Day 2008

  2. Hi Daphne,

    Thanks for the compliment! I keep tweaking everything and I am never 100% satisfied but I am glad my readers think it looks better. Make sure you don’t miss the next blog carnival at Momentor.


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